Wednesday 4 February 2015

Barley Apple Porridge For Babies

Barley is very good grain for babies to start as a first food. After cooking barley, you can add any fruit to make nice porridge consistency. I generally used carrot and apple to mix with barley. The consistency should depend on babies liking, if baby is too small and just started on first foods, so more watery is good. If baby is of 8+ months, then it should be little think , so he will likes its bites.
As discussed previously, Barley is harmless and no more allergic to babies. It is very healthy option for babies food.

barley apple porridge

 As per Barleyfoods, barley provides good amount of fiber than rice. It contains good amount of protein, calcium, iron and fiber. It is also considered good in pregnancy period. Nutritional values of Barley can be seen here  

barley apple porridge

How To Make Barley Apple Porridge? 

1/2 cup whole barley
1 apple ,peeled and cut
2 cups water
1.Cook barley in pressure cooker with 1 cup water till 3-4 whistle.
2.Add cut apple and 1 cup water and put it on stove again till apple cooked very well. It takes 5-8 minutes. Switch off the flame.
3.Mash with masher or through food blender. Make thin or thick consistency as per baby's age.

Barley Water for 4+ Months of Baby

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